Desi’s pep talk

Evil Inc After Dark is coming to a comic shop near you!

Two books that I Kickstarted last summer will be appearing in comic shops and bookstores nationwide this Spring! If your comics retailer carries adult comics, you can encourage them to order a few copies from the February 2018 Diamond Previews/Adult catalog (#353). They can order Evil Inc After Dark using the order code FEB18 1850, and Courting Disaster Uncensored is FEB18 1849.

NSFW Sketchbook Vol. 1


Today on ComicLab, we're going deep on one of the most important (and least-talked-about) aspects of cartooning — Editing! We also take our first patron-submitted question, and it's all about contracts between collaborators. BUT FIRST... When Dave eats McDonald's and subsequently questions his life choices, it's Brad to the rescue with the healing humor of some carefully-executed celebrity impressions.