Enter Angus the minotaur

Be picky when choosing promotion

What if I offered a small promo box that participants could add to their site. The box would randomly generate a small banner and link to comics from other participants. Are you in or out? I think the answer should be out.

If your first response is to jump into this arrangement, you’re making a poor self-promotion decision. I discussed a couple of the worst in this episode of Webcomics Confidential

Read the rest of this post.

NSFW comics-creators club

I've been saying that the NSFW-comics community is badly in need of mentorship for a long time. So when the opportunity arose to host a six-week session for Patreon, I jumped at it.

Creators of NSFW comics face unique challenges — trying to build an audience despite social-media restrictions, payment-processing hurdles, navigating platform restrictions, and more. We're going to share the strategies that are effective, and we'll workshop the methods that aren't as successful. Together we'll create a supportive space to discuss our craft among professional, respectful peers.

With guided group discussions on Zoom each week, we will examine topics that are important to our corner of the comics community. And we'll share constructive critiques, drawing/writing analysis, and a little positive reinforcement for the work we're proud of. We'll also start building a community of supportive NSFW comics creators on a private Discord channel so we can share knowledge and advice in real time outside of the weekly meetings. The captain will post the schedule and weekly topic on Discord, and the server will act as a space to continue conversations outside of meetings.

Sign up now!