Mood Meteorology


Panel 1

Desdemona has noticed Tempest flirting with Iron Dragon, with whom she's in a relationship: Excuse me... I don't believe I've had the pleasure...

Panel 2

Tempest: In that get-up? It ain't for a lack of advertisin'.

Desdemona: Oh, no you didn't...

Panel 3

Tempest, conjuring a small snowflake storm that circles around Desi's head: My mistake. My name is Tempest. And yours?

Desdemona: D-d-Desdemona...

Panel 4

Tempest, conjuring winds that, likewise, swirl around the devil girl: Charmed. Was there anything else?

Desdemona: N-no... I don't t-think so...

Panel 5

Iron Dragon, furious: What did you do to her?!

Tempest, proudly: Just a little serotonin snow squall and a beta-amyloid breeze. I call it "Mood Meteorology."

Panel 6

Tempest: You'd be amazed to see what I can do with a soda-bottle-sized testosterone tornado...

Phables — The Curse of Rafinesque

Here’s a special Phables* comic I did back in 2006, that I love to share every Halloween.

It’s the (mostly) true story about a botanist who taught at Transylvania University in Kentucky (the place really exists). When he was caught with the college president’s wife, he was ousted from campus. Upon leaving, he placed a curse on the institution, and, supposedly, every seven years, something tragic happens at Transylvania University. The last “Curse Year”, by the way, was 2018, so we’re due in just two more years.