Intermission May 7

The April that was...

April was an incredible month! The latest Evil Inc chapter ended with our Favorite Couple back in each other's arms, the Commander joining Thea on a mission to save her homeworld, and Dr. Muskiday smack dab in the middle of it all...


To alleviate potential conflicts of interest, Miss Match has taken a new role at Evil Inc, teaching seminars for supervillains...


...and Captain Heroic has been allowed to rejoin Justice Ltd. — with only a few people holding a grudge.


I'm going to take a little while to write the next chapter. In the meantime, I'll be posting some of my favorite Bonus Cartoons on the Evil Inc website, like this one...


I’ll also be posting special “Meanwhile…” comic strips that check in on different corners of the Evil Inc universe…


The Kickstarter for the new Evil Inc books was a fantastic success, and I've been busily prepping the files for the printer. As of today, the files have been transferred and the contracts are being signed. I'll begin delivering digital rewards very soon!


There were some jaw-dropping commissions posted in April. I can't even find a way to crop most of them so I can share them here, but some of the standouts were:

Special Offer


Everyone who was an NSFW-level Patreon backer as of April 30th received a free download code for the 57-page, full-color Tales from the EiAD Archive #16: Monster Romance. If you missed it, you can pick up your copy here.

And I'm planning a gangbusters Special Offer for May!


All that, and I was honored by the National Cartoonists Society members with a nomination for Best Online Longform Comic. It was a tremendous month, and I'm thrilled to have you as part of the community that makes it possible!

Get yours now! Evil Inc #27 (June 2014)

It’s the first Monday of the month, and the new Evil Inc Monthly is available! It’s once again possible to download the upcoming Evil Inc comic strips for this month as a convenient download, perfect for your iPad, Kindle Fire, iPhone or other digital device — even your desktop! And now… you can subscribe to get them delivered to you automatically every month! They usually get uploaded on the first Monday of every month. If some of the strips appear in black-and-white, a free update will be released shortly thereafter with the color versions as soon as they’re ready. Patreon_textbug Patreon supporters over the $5/month level automatically get this monthly comic as part of their reward package! Or you could just subscribe to the comic itself for 99¢ a month. Just click this little green button…
In this month’s storyline, Lightning Lady’s mom comes to visit. What will Lightning Lady do when her mother starts pressuring her for grandchildren — or, at the very least, seeing her daughter in a committed relationship? It’s time to ask a Big Favor of an Old Flame. (Here’s a hint… it’s not who you think…) Fittingly enough, this month’s selection for Tales from the Evil Inc Archive is a time not so long ago when Lightning Lady found herself in the arms of an Old Flame. Kinda.


Click on the covers to initiate download!

Kindle Fire

If you’re a Kindle Fire user, remember, you can use the convenient Send to Kindle app (it’s free!) to send your Evil Inc comic to your device. Also available at… drivethrucomics_250