Intermission April 25

Evil Inc Monthly Comic – January 2014

The new Evil Inc Monthly is available! It’s once again possible to download the upcoming Evil Inc comic strips for this month as a convenient download, perfect for your iPad, Kindle Fire, iPhone or other digital device — even your desktop! And now… you can subscribe to get them delivered to you automatically every month!
The December Evil Inc comic is 22 pages, and it concludes the Christmas storyline in which one of Santa’s elves talks with Oscar and Oliver about his life. Next, an unassuming lunch break serves as to the lead-in to a storyline that will arc over much of the upcoming year — the Ul’Thax Proposal! Finally… in the bonus feature, Tales from the Evil Inc Archive, I remember a warmer holiday season when I took my family to Walt Disney World for Christmas.


Click on the covers to initiate download!

Kindle Fire

If you’re a Kindle Fire user, remember, you can use the convenient Send to Kindle app (it’s free!) to send your Evil Inc comic to your device. Also available at… drivethrucomics_250