A comic page from Evil Inc. by Brad Guigar shows a group of superheroes gathering for a meeting at the “Fairmount City Business Park.” The CEO, Doctor Whoosh, addresses them about his previous plans to close the branch. He has changed his mind due to their recent teamwork. He announces he will promote a manager from within, calling Iron Dragon forward. Iron Dragon, a muscular hero in a dragon-emblazoned costume, humbly steps forward.


Chapter 15 | Page 19a: Please step forward

Last week, Cassie Cruz’s gaggle of former villains and outsiders were sent to stop a gigantic creature that was threatening the city. Today, we rejoin the Firmount branch of Evil Inc where CEO Dr. Whoosh is ready to make an important announcement.


Evil Inc: Nov. 19, 2024

Alt Text:

A comic page from Evil Inc. by Brad Guigar shows a group of superheroes gathering for a meeting at the “Fairmount City Business Park.” The CEO, Doctor Whoosh, addresses them about his previous plans to close the branch. He has changed his mind due to their recent teamwork. He announces he will promote a manager from within, calling Iron Dragon forward. Iron Dragon, a muscular hero in a dragon-emblazoned costume, humbly steps forward.


Panel 1

(Narration box): Morning dawns on Fairmount City.

(Sign) Fairmount City Business Park.

Voice from inside: Gather around... Doctor Whoosh has an announcement.

Panel 2

Doctor Whoosh: Earlier, I notified you of my intention to close this branch.

Panel 3

Doctor Whoosh: However, I’ve seen a level of teamwork recently that has truly impressed me. So, I’m keeping the office open.

Panel 4

Doctor Whoosh: And — thanks to a suggestion from my assistant — I’m promoting a manager from within...

Desdemona (thought balloon): “Teamwork?” “Suggestion?!”

Panel 5

Doctor Whoosh, loudly: Iron Dragon... Would you please step forward?

Panel 1