Do One To Others

Do One To Others

Get your own T-shirt, showing your disciplehood to Desdemona!


Desi, the devil girl, poses in front of a camera, live streaming on her new account on OnlyFanatics, an app that connects demigods and other paranormal beings with potential worshippers.

Desi: "HELLO, my disciples! It is I — Desdemona, daughter of the dark Dominion. I have an exclusive message for mu subscribers!

"Many of you have written, asking for guidance. And what kind of deity would I be if I didn't respond?

"The first place I'd like to guide you to is the merchandise button at the bottom of the screen..."

Off-panel voice: "Hold up!"

Desi's business partner continues: "...I just got the T-shirts. There's a typo."

The shirt reads: Do One to Others.

Desi: "No... That's right..."