Chapter 15 | Page 11a: Tempest admits a bit too much

Last week, Cassie assembled her team to protect the city in Justice Ltd's absence. Today, we check back in on the Fairmount branch of Evil Inc, who have all just lost their jobs!


Panel 1

Narration: "But wait… what happened to the Fairmount Branch after Dr. Whoosh's announcement?"

Desi runs towards Giant Tess' office. A sign reads "Super Human Resources."

Ginat Tess (from inside the office): "I was afraid of this."

Panel 2

Giant Tess listens to her fellow villains gathered in her office.

Miss Match: "Can he do that? — Fire the entire branch?!"

Giant Tess: "He can. But it will take a few days to process the paperwork."

Count Spurlock: "Then we know what we must do."

Panel 3

Tempest: "You can try… but his reflexes are still super fast… And his metabolism processes poisons too quickly for them to work."

Panel 4

The villains are shocked by Tempest's tacit admission that she has tried several times to kill her boss, Dr. Whoosh.

Giant Tess: "I meant… We need to come up with a plan to save the branch."

Panel 5

Giant Tess continues: "But I like the way you think."


Although she’s shocked that Tempest has just admitted to trying to kill her boss, Giant Tess has to admit there’s something she likes about the younger villain.

Chapter 15 | Page 11a: Tempest admits a bit too much

Parting shot


Look for the Silver Lining

I just caught a hilarious movie on! It’s called Tim Warner: A Life In The Clouds. Its a comedy about a bad cartoonist who does a lame daily comic strip. (think Ziggy, Garfield, etc…). When his comic is taken out of the paper and replaced by a more “edgier” political strip (think Mallard Fillmore, Boondocks, etc) the two cartoonist must battle it out!

It’s a little long at 36 minutes, but it’s well worth the time. If you’ve ever winced at hokey comics like Marmaduke and Ziggy, you’re going to love this. It was clearly made by people who love comic strips. These guys nailed it. I’m telling you, I laughed out loud.

And they even got Berke Breathed to do a cameo.

The movie itself has a Web site, that’s worth checking out as well.

[Edit: The movie has some profanity. Also, I’m told that FilmThreat gave it a bad review. Boo on you, FilmThreat, I say boo on you!]